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Use a custom close button or remove it

Override the default one

You can pass a custom close button to the ToastContainer to replace the default one.


When you use a custom close button, your button will receive a closeToast function. You need to use it to close the toast.

  import { toast, ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';

const CloseButton = ({ closeToast }) => (

function App() {
const notify = () => {
toast("The close button change when Chuck Norris display a toast");

return (
<button onClick={notify}>Notify</button>;
<ToastContainer closeButton={CloseButton} />

Define it per toast

toast("Hello", {
closeButton: CloseButton

Use your own component

When using a custom component, closeToast is being injected in your component, more details here.

import { ToastContentProps } from "react-toastify";

const MyComponent = ({ closeToast }: ToastContentProps) => {
return <button onClick={closeToast}>close</button>

function App() {
const notify = () => {

return (
<button onClick={notify}>Notify</button>;
{/* Remove the closeButton globally */}
<ToastContainer closeButton={false} />

Remove it

Sometimes you don't want to display a close button. It can be removed globally or per toast. Pass false to closeButton props:

  • remove it by default
  <ToastContainer closeButton={false} />
  • remove it per toast
  toast("hello", {
closeButton: false

if you removed it globally, you can still choose to display it for a specific toast

toast("hello", {
closeButton: true // or MyCustomCloseButton