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How to style

Use css variables

By overriding the css variables you should be able to find a design that match your taste

  --contexify-zIndex: 666;
--contexify-menu-minWidth: 220px;
--contexify-menu-padding: 6px;
--contexify-menu-radius: 6px;
--contexify-menu-bgColor: #fff;
--contexify-menu-shadow: 1px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1),
2px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1),
3px 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
--contexify-menu-negatePadding: var(--contexify-menu-padding);

--contexify-separator-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
--contexify-separator-margin: 5px;
--contexify-itemContent-padding: 6px;
--contexify-activeItem-radius: 4px;
--contexify-item-color: #333;
--contexify-activeItem-color: #fff;
--contexify-activeItem-bgColor: #3498db;
--contexify-rightSlot-color: #6f6e77;
--contexify-activeRightSlot-color: #fff;
--contexify-arrow-color: #6f6e77;
--contexify-activeArrow-color: #fff;

Override existing css classes

Below, a list of the CSS classes used(classes used for animation and theme are omitted)

.contexify {}

.contexify__submenu--is-open > .contexify__item__content {}

.contexify__submenu--is-open > .contexify__submenu {}

.contexify .contexify__submenu {}

.contexify__submenu-arrow {}

.contexify__separator {}

.contexify__will-leave--disabled {}

.contexify__item {}

.contexify__item:not(.contexify__item--disabled):focus {}

.contexify__item:not(.contexify__item--disabled):hover > .contexify__item__content,
.contexify__item:not(.contexify__item--disabled):focus > .contexify__item__content {}

.contexify__item:not(.contexify__item--disabled):hover > .contexify__submenu {}

.contexify__item--disabled {}

.contexify__item__content {}


I believe that the class names are self-explanatory. If it's not the case for you, please feel free to open a PR. Any contribution is appreciated.

Build your own style using the scss files

Grab the scss directory of the repository and build your own stylesheet. This also a good way to reduce the size of the css by removing the animations/themes that you are not using.

Passing css classes or inline style to component

All components accept the className and style props.

Style with styled-components

You can override the css classes with styled-components. You can find the list of the css classes used here.

import styled from 'styled-components';
import { Menu } from 'contexify';

const StyledMenu = styled(Menu).attrs({
// custom props
.contexify_submenu-arrow {}
.contexify_separator {}
.contexify_item {}

Built-in theme

The library provides 2 themes

  • light
  • dark
import { Menu, Item } from 'contexify';

function LightMenu(){
return (
<Menu id="menuId" theme="light">
<Item>Item 1</Item>
<Item>Item 2</Item>
<Item>Item 3</Item>

function DarkMenu(){
return (
<Menu id="menuId" theme="dark">
<Item>Item 1</Item>
<Item>Item 2</Item>
<Item>Item 3</Item>

Create your own theme

When you pass a theme to the Menu component, the value is appended to .contexify_theme-{YOUR_THEME}. This combined with the power of css variables give us a lot of flexibility.

For example, this is what the dark theme looks like:

.contexify_theme-dark {
--contexify-menu-bgColor: rgba(40, 40, 40, 0.98);
--contexify-separator-color: #4c4c4c;
--contexify-item-color: #fff;

Built-in animation

The library provides 4 animations:

  • fade (default one)
  • flip
  • scale
  • slide

The animation is applied when the Menu enters and when it exit.

import { Menu, Item, animation } from 'contexify';

function FadeMenu(){
return (
<Menu id="menuId" animation="fade">
<Item>Item 1</Item>
<Item>Item 2</Item>

function FlipMenu(){
return (
<Menu id="menuId" animation="flip">
<Item>Item 1</Item>
<Item>Item 2</Item>

function ScaleMenu(){
return (
<Menu id="menuId" animation="scale">
{/* Same as not setting animation */}
<Item>Item 1</Item>
<Item>Item 2</Item>

function SlideMenu(){
return (
<Menu id="menuId" animation="slide">
<Item>Item 1</Item>
<Item>Item 2</Item>

Disable animations

To disable the animation, set the animation props to false.

<Menu animation={false}>

This will disable both enter and exit animation.

Disable only enter or exit animation

You can choose which animation to disable. To do so, you need to pass an object to the animation props. Let's disable the enter animation only.

<Menu animation={{ enter: false, exit: "fade" }}>

You get the idea 😄.

Combining animation

What if you want to have different animation when the Menu enter and exit 🤔 ? Well, this is also possible! You even already know how to do that.

Let's use the fade animation when entering and the flip animation when leaving!

<Menu animation={{ enter: "fade", exit: "flip" }}>

Create your own animation

When you pass an animation to the Menu component, the value is appended to:

  • .contexify_willEnter-{YOUR_VALUE}
  • .contexify_willLeave-{YOUR_VALUE}

For example, this is what the scale animation looks like:

@keyframes contexify_scaleIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale3d(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
to {
opacity: 1;
@keyframes contexify_scaleOut {
from {
opacity: 1;
to {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale3d(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
.contexify_willEnter-scale {
transform-origin: top left;
animation: contexify__scaleIn 0.3s;

.contexify_willLeave-scale {
transform-origin: top left;
animation: contexify__scaleOut 0.3s;

As you can see it's easy to build yours as well.