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Handling multiple menu

Having multiple Menu is a common pattern. Thanks to the id we know how to identify our Menus.

But what if I want to display different Menu inside the same component?


Don't do that 👇 !

import { useContextMenu } from "react-contexify";

function App() {
const { show: showMenu1 } = useContextMenu({
id: "menu1",

const { show: showMenu2 } = useContextMenu({
id: "menu2",

// etc...

Fortunately, there is a better solution! When you call show, you can override the menu id. One hook to rule them all 🤘!


You can even initialize the hook without providing an id. If you don't provide an id, you know that the hook is used for multiple menus. Personally, this is what I do.

import { useContextMenu } from "react-contexify";

function App() {
const { show } = useContextMenu();

function displayMenu(e){
// run some logic to determine which menu you should display
id: "menu2",
event: e

// etc...