When displaying a toast, the options are inherited from the container. Toast options supersede ToastContainer props
Options | Type | Description |
toastId | string | number | Provide a custom id |
type | string | One of info, success, warning, error |
position | string | One of top-right, top-center, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-center, bottom-left |
onOpen | function | Called when the notification appear |
onClose | function | Called when the notification disappear |
autoClose | bool | number | Delay in ms to close the toast. If set to false, the notification needs to be closed manually |
closeButton | ReactNode | bool | A React Component to replace the default close button or false to hide the button |
transition | ReactNode | A reference to a valid react-transition-group/Transition component |
hideProgressBar | bool | Display or not the progress bar below the toast(remaining time) |
pauseOnHover | bool | Keep the timer running or not on hover |
pauseOnFocusLoss | bool | Pause the timer when the window loses focus |
closeOnClick | bool | Dismiss toast on click |
className | string | Add optional classes to the container |
bodyClassName | string | Add optional classes to the TransitionGroup container |
style | object | Add optional inline style to the container |
progressClassName | string | Add optional classes to the progress bar |
progressStyle | object | Add optional inline style to the progress bar |
draggable | bool | Allow toast to be draggable |
draggablePercent | number | The percentage of the toast's width it takes for a drag to dismiss a toast(value between 0 and 100) |
draggableDirection | "x" | "y" | Specify the drag direction. Default is x |
containerId | string | number | Used to match a specific Toast container |
role | string | Define the ARIA role for the toasts |
delay | number | Let you delay the toast appearance. Pass a value in ms |
onClick | function | Called when click inside Toast notification |
render | ReactNode | Only available when using toast.update |
isLoading | bool | Only available when using `toast.loading' |
data | any | any additional data you want to pass toast("hello", { data: {key: value} }) |
All the toast methods return a toastId except dismiss
and isActive
The toastId can be used to remove a toast programmatically or to check if the toast is displayed.
const options = {
onOpen: props => console.log(,
onClose: props => console.log(,
autoClose: 6000,
closeButton: FontAwesomeCloseButton,
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
hideProgressBar: false,
position: "top-left",
pauseOnHover: true,
transition: MyCustomTransition,
progress: 0.2
// and so on ...
// display toasts
const toastId = toast("Hello", options);
toast(MyComponent, options);
toast(<MyComponent foo={bar}/>, options);
toast(({ closeToast }) => <div>Render props like</div>, options);
//shortcut to different types
toast.success("Hello", options);"World", options);
toast.warn(MyComponent, options);
toast.error("Error", options);
// Remove all toasts !
// Remove given toast
// Remove toast that has a given id for a specific container
toast.dismiss({ id: "123", containerId: "12" })
//Check if a toast is displayed or not
// update a toast
toast.update(toastId, {
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
render: <Img foo={bar}/>
// Clear waiting queue when working with limit
// Clear waiting queue for a specific container when working with multiple container
toast.clearWaitingQueue({ containerId: "anId" });
// completes the controlled progress bar
// play/pause the timer programmatically{ id: "123" });
toast.pause({ id: "123" });